What is the importance of cogeneration with turbine?

Turbine cogeneration plays a crucial role in the industry by offering an efficient and sustainable solution to meet simultaneous electricity and heat demands. This innovative approach optimizes energy production by generating electricity and utilizing waste heat, resulting in a more efficient use of resources and a significant reduction in operating costs.

At the heart of turbine cogeneration is the gas turbine, an essential component that drives both electricity generation and heat production. Gas turbines are known for their ability to convert natural gas energy into mechanical power, making them an efficient option for energy production.

In a cogeneration plant, natural gas is used as fuel in the gas turbine. The energy released during this process is not only converted into electricity, but also uses the heat generated. This waste heat is used for the production of steam or hot water, which can be used in industrial processes or provided as heating for nearby facilities.

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Integral solution.

This approach contributes to greater energy independence for industrial facilities by reducing dependence on external energy sources.

The efficiency of turbine cogeneration not only translates into economic benefits, but also has a positive impact on sustainability and emissions reduction. By making the most of the fuel used in the process, it achieves greater energy efficiency and a lower carbon footprint compared to conventional methods of power generation.

In addition, turbine cogeneration can be adapted to a variety of applications and industrial environments. From manufacturing plants to processing facilities, turbine cogeneration offers flexibility and versatility. Its ability to generate electricity and heat simultaneously makes it a comprehensive solution to meet energy needs in a wide range of industries.

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What are the benefits of steam turbine cogeneration?

Microturbines represent an innovative and highly efficient option for the simultaneous generation of electrical and thermal energy. Their benefits are remarkable, taking advantage of patented air bearing technologies that eliminate the need for oils, lubricants, coolants and water.

In addition, these units are modular and scalable, offering flexibility in their implementation. With low noise levels (65db at 10m), immediate delivery, and no plant operators required, these microturbines excel at reducing CO2 and NOx emissions, contributing to a more sustainable environment.

With continuous monitoring and diagnostics, backed by factory protection plans, these units from 65 kW to 10 MW are maintenance-free, vibration-free and have compact dimensions (2.4 x 9.1 x 2.9 meters), guaranteeing an efficient and versatile solution.

If you want to purchase a steam turbine cogeneration, you are in the right place, contact us to find the perfect steam turbine cogeneration for you.

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Discover how steam turbine cogeneration offers an efficient and sustainable solution to meet simultaneous electricity and heat demands. Learn about its economic and environmental benefits.

What is steam turbine cogeneration?


Steam turbine cogeneration is an efficient and sustainable process that combines the simultaneous generation of electricity and useful heat using a steam turbine. In this method, steam is generated through the combustion of a fuel, such as natural gas or biomass, in a boiler. The steam turbine harnesses the kinetic energy of the moving steam to drive an electric generator, producing electricity. Simultaneously, the residual hot steam is used for thermal applications, such as heating or industrial processes, maximizing the efficiency of the system.